Whos Benifit
July 26, 2024
Whos Benifit
Heather will not find work and is a drain on the state; the social security officers are now going to try one last thing to make her see that she has to work. This is a new method and very controversial. She is to be stripped naked and caned, yes caned naked and caned hard. The tears soon well up in her eyes as the officer lays on each stroke full strength.
For me, it’s just the opposite bro. This video kinda makes me believe in love. I’ve been watching porn for a long time now. Im also depressed and cynical about all of this. But this video gives me hope ya know. Kinda like something to look forward to, maybe ill have something like this in the future. Hang in there, King.
Fuck wrong with that bitch nipples mane??